A: I think that Hawthorne’s purpose to this story was to show how a thought can change who you are and become a whole different person.
A: I do agree that the meaning of faith fits her name. Faith is what protected Brown from the bad. Brown’s wife Faith probably has a prescient when something bad is going to happen, her personality shows that she cares for Brown and wants him in no danger. It seem that Brown does have true faith in her because he would listen and obey to Faith when she would send him off.
A: I think that the pink ribbons signify the faith that connects between Faith and Brown. It could be a special object that can symbolize their marriage.
A: Everything that Brown would witness wasn’t real it was all a dream. It was a figment of something conjured by the evil. In the story Brown had thought that he knew it was a bad spirit. “Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on his present evil purpose. ”
A: I think that the old many was the bad spirit or could be the devil. From the point that Brown saw the figure of the old man, till walking and talking with him throughout the forest everything had seen weird and with a bad impression. The old man knew information that Brown hasn’t shared about to basically anyone and the old man knew it.
A: The staff represents the bad that haunts Brown. I do think the staff leads Brown onward to his conscience of mind because they old man knew information about Brown which made him think that everything he’ll talk about is true
A: If Brown hadn’t walked into the forest his life would of beeen different. It would be different because he wouldn’t act differently as he does now and still have trust towards the townspeople an his wife. Brown would of probably still have Faith because it shows a chance or hope to not be in danger.
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